KB-OTP Smart Authentication

1. Which trading channel can I register for KB-OTP?
1. Which trading channel can I register for KB-OTP?
You can register to use KB-OTP on KB-Mobile and M-able.
2. After registering KB-OTP, on which channels can I use KB-OTP authentication method to make transactions?
2. After registering KB-OTP, on which channels can I use KB-OTP authentication method to make transactions?
Clients currently can use KB-OTP authentication code on KB-Trade, KB-TradeDS, KB-able channels and KB-Mobile, KB-MoblieDS, M-able app.
3. If I remove and redownload KB-Mobile on my device, do I need to renew my KB-OTP registration?
3. If I remove and redownload KB-Mobile on my device, do I need to renew my KB-OTP registration?
If clients delete and reinstall the app, their KB-OTP lists on the app will also be removed. When re-login to KB-Mobile, please press on “Cancel KB-OTP” on the authentication screen to cancel KB-OTP service. After cancellation, client's account reverts to the previous authentication method. Clients sign into their account and Re-register KB-OTP to continue using the service.
4. If I forget my KB-OTP password and reset it according to the instructions, do I need to renew my KB-OTP registration?
4. If I forget my KB-OTP password and reset it according to the instructions, do I need to renew my KB-OTP registration?
In order to protect client’s personal data, when KB-OTP password has been reset, all accounts in the List of KB-OTP will be removed. When re-login to KB-Mobile, please press on “Cancel KB-OTP” on the authentication screen to cancel KB-OTP service. After cancellation, client's account reverts to the previous authentication method. Clients sign into their account and Re-register KB-OTP to continue using the service.
5. What if I have registered for KB-OTP on KB-Mobile but do not synchronize the authentication method on KB-MobileDS/ KB-TradeDS trading channel?
5. What if I have registered for KB-OTP on KB-Mobile but do not synchronize the authentication method on KB-MobileDS/ KB-TradeDS trading channel?
Your derivatives trading account will keep the previous authentication method. You can still make derivatives transactions normally.
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